Expansion of a Tertiary Treatment Plant for the production and utilisation of treated sewage effluent.
Civil works associated with the expansion of a Tertiary Treatment Plant for production and utilisation of treated sewage effluent. The existing installations had to be operational at all times and all activities had to be coordinated with numerous other contractors including the installers of specialist process equipment.
The project comprised (i) the expansion of the existing filtration plant with ten additional filter beds, (ii) construction of a second ozone destruction facility, effluent pump station comprising of a two compartment wet well and pump room, and secondary effluent pumping station with new substation, (iii) renovation and expansion of the existing substation and (iv) extension of existing sea outfall.
Additionally, the works included the demolition of twelve drying beds and ancillary features, together with renovation and upgrading works which involved the cutting of openings, construction of overflows, raising of weirs in existing secondary effluent channels and block existing culverts, site landscaping, paving and roads, yard piping, irrigation systems, sewage lines, potable water services lines and balancing tank drainage system.